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Red Wine (1)

Browse by Region in Spain - Toro

TORO is one of the Castile and Leon’s youngest appellations. Its wines benefit from a long tradition, and its soil was the first of the new Castilian kingdom’s providers in the middle age.
It is one of the growing stars of the Spanish side of the Duero valley. The Toro area is the last Spanish appellation crossed by the Duero river before it enters into Portuguese territory and ends in Porto.
The eastern part of the appellation crosses into central west part of the Rueda. Approximately 2/3 of the vineyard is situated to the south and west of Toro city, itself in the province of Zamora. The northern part, around Morales de Toro in the province of Zamora and Pedrosa del Rey in the province of Valladolid, has now been integrated in the delimitation of the Toro appellation.
The total land surface of the area encompassing the Toro appellation is around 62.000has of which 8.000has are dedicated to vine growing. Only 5.500ha of those are registered as Toro, with Toro and Morales de Toro in the province of Zamora being the most famous cities in this D.O., but the vines extend right up to the border of Valladolid.

Search Results

Red Wine
Vina San Roman 2016
Spain :: Toro
Body: e - Full
Drink now, but will keep

Opulent and dense while still remaining fresh - incredible!

Shop Price: £42.99
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