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  • Trebbiano
  • White Wine


Italy (2)

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Browse by Grape - Trebbiano

White variety of little great distinction grown in great quantity in Italy and, to a lesser extent, France. Produces light wines high in acidity, low in alcohol.

Search Results

White Wine
Saladini Pilastri Falerio 2022
Italy :: Central Italy :: Marche
Passerina, Pecorino, Trebbiano
Sweetness: 3 - Soft Dry
Ready to drink

This estate has been transformed over the past five years to organic cultivation, taking advantage of the hot, dry conditions that prevent rot. The wine is blended from a mixture of indigenous grapes, Trebbiano, Passerina and Pecorino. Unoaked, elegant and full bodied, with a nice floral nose, rich flavours and the fruit giving a long balanced dry finish.

Shop Price: £13.99
In Stock
White Wine
Nunzio Ghiraldi Il Gruccione LUGANA 2022
Italy :: North East Italy :: Veneto
Sweetness: 2 - Dry
Ready to drink

Il Gruccione Lugana is exceptionally well balanced with a beautiful texture, subtle richness and good minerality. Unoaked.

Shop Price: £17.49
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