Timmermans FRAMBOISE 4%

Tasting Note
Timmermans is one of only a handful of traditional Lambic breweries from the outskirts of Brussels. Lambic beer has to be the most unusual beer family in the world: small breweries near Brussels maintaining a tradition for spontaneously fermenting wheat beers (no yeast is added), a process whereby micro organisms of the area enter the brew left in open vessels in dusty galleries overnight.
Timmerman’s Framboise is described as being a fruit lambic but it lacks the identifying “funky” acidity of that style. By adding natural raspberry flavouring to a lambic and letting it mature in oak barrels, the end result is a delightful pink beer (yes, beer!) with aromas and flavours of berries and candy sugar. Highly carbonated, this sweet-and-slightly sour beer is a thirst quencher.