Timmermans Kriek 4%

Tasting Note
Timmermans is one of only a handful of traditional Lambic breweries from the outskirts of Brussels. Lambic beer has to be the most unusual beer family in the world: small breweries near Brussels maintaining a tradition for spontaneously fermenting wheat beers (no yeast is added), a process whereby micro organisms of the area enter the brew left in open vessels in dusty galleries overnight.
Another Timmerman’s fruit lambic, this time cherry-flavoured! Produced in the same manner as the Framboise and Strawberry, the Kriek has rather sweet aromas of cherries, almonds, and maybe even Dr. Pepper. The flavour is not as sweet as the nose implies, rather there are some hints of acidity alongside the sweet cherries. Highly-carbonated and dry, expect a rather sweet beer with a touch of tart.